Elros for the meme?


1-3 things I enjoy
about them

Elros I haven’t thought about nearly as much as his
brother, and that’s a deficiency, because there is so much great stuff about
him and so much potential!

He chooses mortality, not for the love of some particular
person, but because he clearly sees something worthwhile in being human. THIS
IS HUGE. Did he glimpse something to resolve the tension and sorrow between Finrod
and Andreth? Did he see death as something more than a punishment for a
forgotten wrong or a grievous wound inflicted on humanity?

He winds up as a king whereas his brother emphatically
doesn’t. I think that’s more down to differences in their choices than differences
in their characters. Elrond chooses to take history into himself, Elros chooses
to set history in motion.

interesting about them based on tenuous circumstantial evidence

I think he was closer to Maglor than to Maedhros. (I
mean, that’s hardly tenuous; Maglor is the only one who gets a ‘love grew
between them’ in the text, but I also think he was closer to Maglor than Elrond

A question I have
about them

Did he meet Earendil again, during the War of Wrath?

A random relevant
line I like

Then the Edain set sail
upon the deep waters, following the Star; and the Valar laid a peace upon the
sea for many days, and sent sunlight and a sailing wind, so that the waters
glittered before the eyes of the Edain like rippling glass, and the foam flew
like snow before the stems of their ships. “
(You caught the “foam” reference, right?)

My preferred
version, if there is more than one version of their story (or part of their

I like the one where they grow up in Maglor and Maedhros’s
care rather than the one where they’re abandoned in the waterfall cave to which
their names are attributed. I think having had to confront the humanity* of the
people on both sides of the War of the Jewels adds a great deal of complexity
to both the brothers. And it’s so interesting to contemplate their respective
choices in light of that.


I mean, it’s obvious to say his brother, but HIS BROTHER.
Also to his father. Elros makes the choice that it’s implied Earendil would
have made if it weren’t for love: the choice to keep voyaging outward.

How would they
react to Tom Bombadil

With approval. The world is full of things that he cannot
understand or account for.

Something about them that I think people forget

He’s 1/16 Maia. How did that play out through his life? Also
apparently “Eonwe came among them and taught them and they were given wisdom
and power and life enduring”. What on earth was Eonwe’s instruction like?

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