
YO WHAT UP I haven’t drawn a person in like 6 years, but I spent a super satisfying vacation afternoon doodling stuff. Here’s Elrond, aka, some loremaster or whatever, visiting his twin brother Elros, aka, The Founder and First Ruling King of Númenor, the Land of Gift, Kingdom of the Men of the West. They’re not very competitive.

  • Got v distracted by Elros’s warm-climate royal sandals vs Elrond’s Beleg-approved curly elf boots.
  • The ridiculous Númenórean crown design is taken from one of Tolkien’s letters but I forgot most of what it looked like so it’s not quite right
  • Collecting cool shit from the mainland is super helpful to your brother’s people’s rich historical heritage! It’s not just for making fun of his job
  • Elros is sticking his tongue out at him.

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