
lotr meme

{3/9 quotes} → “When the feast was over, those who were to go took leave of King Éomer. Aragorn and his knights, and the people of Lórien and of Rivendell, made ready to ride; but Faramir and Imrahil remained at Edoras; and Arwen Evenstar remained also, and she said farewell to her brethren. None saw her last meeting with Elrond her father, for they went up into the hills and there spoke long together, and bitter was their parting that should endure beyond the ends of the world.”


Ok I HAD to try and do Elrond’s eyebrows of doom. I have to admit defeat to Hugo Weavings amazing face when it comes to that ;3 But it was fun doing it anyway.

This is very rough compared to my other Elrond gif, which took me about 5 hours to make (this one took me just a little over an hour)

You know the reference I used for this xD

If you fancy it, maybe the house of FinwĂ« for the clone-fucking meme. It seems like your cup of tea, in the nicest way possible :-)


I was gonna do this with art but I ran into the ‘which dark haired mopey-looking fucker is which?’ issue so

  • I don’t want to fuck my clone because it would be gay sex and I’m not gay – Turgon
  • I’m not gay, but I would actually totally fuck my clone – Maglor
  • ‘I’m gay, but I still don’t want to fuck my clone, that’s gross and weird’ – Gil-Galad
  • ‘I don’t want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong’ – Maedhros 
  • ‘I’d totally fuck my clone because I want to know if I’m good in bed’ – Fingon
  • ‘I’d fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?’ – Celegorm
  • ‘I’d totally do all sorts of weird things to my clone I’d be embarrassed to ask someone else to do’ – Caranthir
  • ‘To be honest, fucking my clone has always been my fantasy’ – Galadriel
  • ‘It’s basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal’ – Aredhel
  • ‘It’s not the same as masturbating; it’d be like having sex with your twin. Wrong and bad!’ – Elrond
  • ‘I would not have sex with my clone because what if my clone is evil’ – Celebrimbor
  • ‘Not only would I have sex with my clone, I’d probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that’s how pro-clone fucking I am’ – Finrod


Maglor the outcast. 

1. Hiding in a cave by the sea, bandaging his burned hands. 

2. The twins come looking for him, so 

3. he runs away. It’s guilt, it’s shame, but above all it’s love, so they won’t be tainted by the doom and sin that lies on him


“Destroy it!”

Elrond animation

This one was so much fun! But damn did it take a long time to make O_O

I considered for a moment to do his “eyebrows of doom” gif instead XD


His face becomes a bit weird towards the end, but the movements hide it well xD