
I doodled some Nerdanels, age small.

I headcanon that she designed/built some pretty important parts of Valmar as an elf-teen and had no time at all for anyone who didn’t take her seriously. She is a better stonemason than you, dammit listen to her!

Nerdanel tends to turn bright red when emotional or flustered, which Caranthir and, to a lesser extent, Maedhros inherited.

Nerdanel hates wearing shirts when she’s working (masoning in Valinor gets hot!) and hates not-working even more, so she spends 80% of her time swanning around topless, waving mallets at people and yelling excitedly.


↳   “Adaneth, I tell thee, Aikanár the Sharp-flame loved thee. For thy sake now he will never take the hand of any bride of his own kindred, but live alone to the end, remembering the morning in the hills of Dorthonion. But too soon in the North-wind his flame will go out! Foresight is given to the Eldar in many things not far off, though seldom of joy, and I say to thee thou shalt live long in the order of your kind, and he will go forth before thee and he will not wish to return.”   – Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth. 


I’m sorry I’m too proud of this meme to not post it
Starting my September Middle Earth with silly sketches…but honestly I wanna make the top one a pin or postcard. 

It honestly came out of no where tonight and idk if someone made luthien version of my favorite meme yet but I did it anyways. So much for keeping this blog a “very serious portfolio”. 

Also enjoy sad Thingol cause I was lamenting last night about how messed up he was to hear his best friend got murdered by the dark lord. 

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The Silmarillion aesthetic | t h e   t e l e r i

The Teleri were the third of the Elf clans who took the Great Journey.

At first they were known as Nelyar (“The Third”), and were the largest of the three houses of the Firstborn.

According to legend, they were descended from Enel, the third Elf to awake in Cuiviénen, his spouse Enelyë and their seventy-two companions; most of the Avari originally belonged to this clan.







i just put up the doors of during speak friend and enter + the feanorian star on my door but if any of yall can write “get thee gone from my gate thou jail crow of mandos” in quenya/tengwar it’ll be the fastest decor change i do in my life 

i think in quenya it would be “á auta intye et fendenya, corcomandale lo mandos” literally “get yourself away from my gate, prison-crow of mandos” (although ‘get yourself away from’ may be conjugated wrong)

and i *think* it would look like this written in tengwar:

bless you and ur sick language skillz

Here’s an alternative suggestion – no prepositions, we stick everything to the noun like Finns:

Heca [thou be gone] andonyallo [gate-my-away from], a [vocative particle] mandocorco [loose compound “gaol” + “crow"] OR corco mandó [”crow of the gaol”] mandosseva [”of Mandos” in a possessive sense, i.e. jailcrow owned by Mandos] OR mandossëo [”of Mandos” in a genitive sense, i.e. jailcrow that originated in Mandos]

Going with “Heca andonyallo, a mandocorco mandosseva!”, which is my preferred version – doesn’t it have a lovely rhythm?, that would be



you are all gems and i love you

took me a while but yall will be glad to know no dark lord be coming to my gate no more